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Projetos Europeus

Project TASC – “Teacher Academy on Sustenable Communication”

Social Change through Sustainable Communication  in Lifelong Learning in Schools and Society  O Centro de Formação de Escolas do Concelho de Almada – AlmadaForma é parceiro no Projeto TASC– “Teacher Academy on Sustainable Comunication”, um projeto Erasmus+ KA2 que envolve um consórcio de sete países (Alemanha, Bélgica, Espanha, Lituânia, Roménia, Portugal e Turquia) e integra […]

Project TASC – “Teacher Academy on Sustenable Communication” Read More »

International KA1 Courses for 2022-2023

International KA1 Courses for 2023-2024

Almadaforma and the Eekhout Academy offer professional teacher training as international courses of 5 days, which are eligible for KA1 funding within the Erasmus+ programme. Each course is the result of a previous international project or partnership. For the complete offer, see

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TLQ Project

TLQ Project

The main aim of the project is to improve the quality of vocational education and training within Europe by means of creative and motivating teaching and learning methods which are embedded in a quality system supported by industry and services. More info:

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